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1:1 Coaching Packages available for 6 or 12 weeks

Each package includes:

* A weekly 90 minute 1:1 coaching session either in person or on Zoom.
* Bespoke follow up email with outlined areas of focus and goals
* Access to me via email or message throughout the week for when a little helpful nudge is needed!

Though each package is carefully constructed to the client's individual needs, here's an indication of what you are likely to expect within both programmes:


Sandy Beach


Change Your Life in 6 weeks


In our  6 week package we will be covering the following:


Discovering the Authentic Self

Who is the you you want to become? This first part of the programme will help tap into the 'ideal self', the 'you' beneath the fear of failure, we will be establishing this sense of identity and setting goals towards stepping into this version of yourself.


Goal Setting

Action plan! Here we will be setting achievable bite-size goals in getting you to where you want to be.  Turning vague ideas into concrete plans and having someone to be accountable to means much faster results!


Challenging Beliefs

What beliefs have you held onto about yourself which are stopping you becoming the 'real you? Feelings of not being good enough, or that we are somehow 'lacking' are common stoppers in reaching our ultimate goals.  Whatever it is you have chosen to believe, together we can strip you of this chosen identity and uncover the actual self beneath all of this!


The Present Moment

We will be learning to "realise deeply that the present moment is all we ever have" (Eckhart Tolle). Anxiety comes from leaping to an imagined future which may never come to pass; many depressive thoughts come from dwelling in dark places from our past.  By learning to stay in the present, I can help you to only deal with the issues immediately at hand... what is happening right now, in this present moment?



So often we lose our sense of identity in other people's desires/ demands.  In this part of the package we will look at establishing clear boundaries to ensure that YOUR needs are being met and are a top priority.



During this part of the programme we will look at any relationships which are proving challenging to you.  We will look at establishing deep, raw connections; how to speak your truth and ask for what you want, but also how to listen and truly understand the other person and how we can meet their needs too.








Extend your package to the exclusive 12 week option where, in addition to the 6 week programme, we will be covering the following:



* Understanding and releasing past trauma *


* Forgiveness *


* Memories *


* Learning the power of Vulnerability *


* Surrendering – letting go of control *


* Tapping – EFT *


* Meditations/ Visualisations *


* NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) *


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